
Simply inspiring – you reaffirmed why I do what I do,  and I thank you for that.

Brian MacPherson, Chief Executive Officer /chef de la direction Commonwealth Games Association of Canada

I wanted to pass on my sincere thanks for coming out to our Hershey Planning meeting.  Nicole, you made quite an impact on my colleagues -- doing "the Nicole" is eating well, drinking lots of water and exercising whenever you can -- Great Job!

Beth Dandridge, Canadian Lead Corporate Social Responsibility, Hershey Canada Inc.

Your content was spot on and I was impressed with the questions asked.  I watched the crowd and everyone was engaged.  I spoke to our Head Coach afterwards and he is going to recommend the coaching staff proceed with a plan based on some of the recommendations you made today.

Mari-Lynn, Newmarket Stingrays

Your keynote was just terrific, filled with good advice, and delivered with poise and passion. Many thanks for coming, and for doing such a wonderful job.

Abigail Stewart, PhD., Director& Senior Counselor to the Provost, Off of the Provost& Academic Affairs, University of Michigan